Donate to CJCI

While CJCI is no longer publishing a magazine, we do have operating expenses related to this website, regular communications, and other administrative tasks. We appreciate everyone who donates to our General Fund to so we can continue serving the collectible jewelry community through our social networking efforts and yearly conventions.

The CJCI Education Fund supports our educational presence online. We utilize this fund to compensate writers and other content providers to create features and resources that will benefit the entire collectible jewelry community, including CJCI’s loyal supporters.

Thank you in advance for supporting the CJCI Education Fund!

To support the CJCI Education Fund by making a donation* via PayPal, please click below:**

Help CJCI keep this information online free of charge by making a donation to our Education Fund via PayPal. Please click below to make your donation.

To make a donation* by check or money order, please send to:

P.O. Box 446
Benicia, CA 94510

We appreciate all who show their support for CJCI by making donations to our organization. Additionally, CJCI would like to acknowledge The Villages Jewelry Club members for their donations throughout the years. This jewelry club plays an important part in the collecting community as a donor to the education fund.  To see their Facebook page, please click here.

Thank you!

*Donations are NOT tax deductible. CJCI is not classified as a charitable organization although we do, like many member-based organizations, accept contributions from our friends to sustain our efforts.