Hobbycraft Supply Service Do It Yourself Jewelry Catalog 1950
August 24, 2019Vintage Clip-mates, Duettes, Dress Clips and Fur Clips, and Double-prong Clips: Part 1
August 24, 2019Costume Jewelry Collectors
an original publication by RCJ and Dorothea Stringfield
Do It Yourself Jewelry Catalog
Samantha, of “Crown Jewels @ RubyLane”, has kindly allowed me to feature her photos of this Flower Materials Company catalog on RCJ. You will notice some designs in the catalog were based on popular designs from mainline costume jewelry companies. The company also sold supplies for straw bags and embroidery, etc. It was located at 229 S. Wabash Ave., Chicago 4, Illinois.
Please contact Melinda and Pam at members @ costumjewelrycollectors.com if you have more information on this company, or if you have old jewelry catalogs or other jewelry paper items you would like to share on RCJ. |
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All RCJ publications and pages were created
by Dotty Stringfield with the assistance of research contributor Pat Seal
and other valued members of the costume jewelry collecting community.